Writing is like being able to put life into a snow globe. It takes the things that are too big and scary and reduces them into a form that I can put away when I want and look at from a distance. It also takes all that’s good in life and captures it into something I can take out when I want and look at close up and keep forever. It makes the bad things into something I can hold…and the good things into something I can hold onto. Both help so much that I need that little souvenir of life.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Succinctly Yours Week 197: Not the Brightest Apple in the Barrel

Thank you to Grandma’s Goulash for hosting Succinctly Yours! The purpose of this charming meme is to dip into the recesses of our creativity to retrieve a story of 140 words or 140 characters or fewer. The bonus word this week was “echo.”

The horror of Al's New Year's Eve party would echo for years. The decorations were sad, only the cat showed up, and bobbing for apples after 6 zombie shots was a bad idea. 140

Al’s New Year’s Eve activity was seeing whether apples echo. They don’t, but the fallout from viral online photos does.  100

Q: What do you call a guy with his head in a barrel of apples? A: Bob.  54

Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It's self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can't try to do things. You simply must do things. ~Ray Bradbury


  1. So THAT is the secret to Bradbury's success...He didn't ever think. I actually think I've tried this before, but with disastrous results. Oh well.

    I couldn't have come up with anything, given that photo. Well done.

    1. I know. I could make quite a list of things not thinking has earned me, and not one of them comes close to what it got Ray Bradbury.

  2. Love the first one. That hatted cat is downright creepy.

    1. I agree. My guess is it had a few Zombie shots, too.

  3. LOL! The first one made me laugh. That will be like a lot of people tonight, I suspect.

    Critter Alley

    1. I think that picture would make a great cautionary poster, don't you?

  4. You did a good job of describing a bunch of people I went to college with. lol Happy new year, Tammy!

    1. Thanks, Lisa, and happy new year to you, too!

  5. Loved the viral online photos - a very nice contemporary twist on the photo. The last was slapstick funny and just perfect.


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