Writing is like being able to put life into a snow globe. It takes the things that are too big and scary and reduces them into a form that I can put away when I want and look at from a distance. It also takes all that’s good in life and captures it into something I can take out when I want and look at close up and keep forever. It makes the bad things into something I can hold…and the good things into something I can hold onto. Both help so much that I need that little souvenir of life.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Succinctly Yours Week 196: A Christmas Carol: The Sequel

Thank you to Grandma’s Goulash for hosting Succinctly Yours! The purpose of this charming meme is to use the picture to create a story of 140 words or 140 characters or fewer. I’ve attempted to participate in SY for the past few weeks but always seem to end up too overwhelmed to get it posted—so here is last week’s as well. The bonus word this week was “grumpy.”

When Tim was no longer tiny, he and his family enjoyed singing Christmas carols. Unfortunately their singing was such that it made Ebenezer grumpy all over again. 136

Succinctly Yours Week 195: Tisn’t the Season

Bonus word was “urgent.”

It was no longer urgent to get all the Christmas shopping done, wrapped and mailed. They had made early January into their favorite season.   116

Ron and Edna liked to do their Christmas shopping in the middle of the night. A lot of stores were closed, but at such a romantic hour, nothing seemed urgent.  129

Some thought it odd that they had no urgent need to buy each other gifts. Few knew that for forty years, this stroll was their gift to each other on Christmas Eve night. 135

Far too many people are looking for the right person instead of trying to be the right person. ~Gloria Steinem


  1. Hari OM
    A double whammy Tammy!!! Superb - Hope your season is going well and that there is lots of joy to prepare you for the onset of another year... Blessings, YAM xx

  2. Tammy--Your stories for both pictures were great, but the second one was especially appealing. The photo had a nostalgic feel (it looked like it could be a picture from the 50's) and your stories could have come from that era as well...

    1. Because chipper-shredders hadn't been invented in the 50s, right? ;)

  3. EEEEE! The top family reminds me of that creepy Burger King.

    1. I had to look him up. Not-so-Tiny-Tim would need a beard, but I believe you're right. He definitely has that waxen-mask vibe going. In fact, they all do other than the mom. I bet she sleeps with one eye open, huh?

  4. Tammy, you are SO good at these! I love them all, of course, but the second picture, the one about the stroll being their gift to each other on Christmas Eve night, just brought a tear to my eye. You could weave a whole story out of that, dear friend. Our hours are so precious and they go by so quickly. With very few words, you communicated that sentiment so completely. Your talent and heart are a gift to us all. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks so much, Teresa! That's a cool picture, isn't it? Merry Christmas to you, too!

  5. I loved Tiny Tim, Part II, particularly the return of a grumpy Scrooge. I missed your entry last week and am so glad you managed to do double duty this week. Those were such lovely and romantic takes on the photo that I can't pick a favorite. I didn't get a story written last week. I kept thinking I would get to it, but somehow the "urgency" passed. lol

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

  6. Oh, I so know the feeling! Thanks for taking the time to offer the meme for us...not to mention stop by!


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