Writing is like being able to put life into a snow globe. It takes the things that are too big and scary and reduces them into a form that I can put away when I want and look at from a distance. It also takes all that’s good in life and captures it into something I can take out when I want and look at close up and keep forever. It makes the bad things into something I can hold…and the good things into something I can hold onto. Both help so much that I need that little souvenir of life.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Silly Stuff: Have a Super Christmas

 Years ago someone gave us a gorgeous collection of four ornaments that spelled out the word, “NOEL.” But when the “L” fell, it shattered beyond anything that glue could accomplish. So some years we spell “ONE,” and others, “EON.” Sort of like Christmas Tree Scrabble.

After lamenting the fate of the “Christmas EON,” my daughter created this treasure. It is a super ball covered in foil candy wrappers and plastic wrap. Her reasoning, of course, was that Christmas ornaments should be shatter-proof. Heck, they should bounce if they fall!

I like to think that someday, many years from now, someone will unwrap this objéct de Christmas art and exclaim, “What the heck is this thing?!” Christmas is about symbolism, and to me this heirloom beautifully illustrates both my daughter’s practical and creative sides. Every year I hang it front and center. I like to think it is the true Christmas Eon.

Conversation with my daughter when she was in third grade:

Daughter: I signed up for the school’s Hanuka pageant!
Me: Wow—that’s great! Why did you decide to do that?
Daughter: Aren’t we Jewish? 
(This is only funny if you realize that we’re not. She was baptized Catholic thanks to her dad. I think she got confused because I used to have an interest in world religions and tend to be an over-explainer. When she'd asked me about our religion, I'd waxed on about how Christianity came from Judaism, yadda yadda, when the poor kid had only wanted a name she could recite to people, like “Methodist.”    Oh, and belated happy Hanuka…and joyous NOE .)


  1. Here you go again, making me smile then laugh out loud. Your daughter's idea is terrific.

  2. How sweet, Tam! I love everything about this post. I think I've said before to you... "still waters run deep"...and how I'm always learning more about you through your writing. Lovely and beautiful...And the conversation is hilarious!

  3. I'm not fond of Christmas decorating, but putting up the ornaments always triggers a memory that brings a smile or two!


  4. Maybe Noe will catch on as a new holiday. Is it a holiday where the never-talked-about stooge (Moe's brother) is exalted? Is it a day where only words with no "e" can be spoken, to give the "e" a much-needed rest? This will be better than Festivus! Hallmark, start printing up some cards for the occasion!

  5. Thanks, guys! And Sioux, thanks for the laugh, and happy NOE day. May your Moe be mightily exalted!

  6. I love how you started a "tradition" of sorts with the ornaments---without the letter. Your daughter's story is cute and a reminder that adults often go on with long explanations when all the children want is something quite simple. (a good reminder for us as writers...keep it simple) :)

  7. I loved the Christmas scrabble idea and then the super ball ornaments, now that I have to try :D I just love non-traditional, traditions.

    LOL, religion. That is priceless.

    Sorry I'm late darn dashboard.

    A warm Merry Christmas to you and yours!
    Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

  8. Funny story, and lovely ornament. Really. Those are the very best ones. And your daughter is on to something there...a bouncing ornament. With a four month old kitten in the house I could use a tree full of those. Maybe you can patent it and become super wealthy, buy a house at the beach and invite all your blogger buddies to visit. Just saying. :)

    Merry Christmas! I love your EON.

  9. Carmen, "Keep it Simple" should be on a note that I pin to myself as a reminder. Thanks for the note! :)

    Jules, I agree...our own made-up traditions are the best ones. Go figure. And Merry Christmas to you, too!

    Lisa, I love your scenario. When all that happens, my blog buddies will be the first ones I invite!!! And with a four month old kitten, I think my daughter should invent a rubber tree. Um...but NOT the kind you mentioned in my Dec. 12 post. OMG, I am still laughing so hard I can barely type!!!


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